I love handbags! Classy, roomy handbags are the best. I'm reviewing one of 88 Handbags, backpack style bags, the Joanne Convertible Backpack. The backpack is stylish enough to carry every day and can be used as a purse or school backpack.
I see why they call this bag a convertible. The backpack is beautiful, roomy and opens from the front or the back. It has large pockets on both sides and a long shoulder strap. The bag has long zippers throughout so it's easy to get large items in and out. It comes in 3 colors, blue, gray, and black. I love the cobalt blue color I received. Here are some images of this fun backpack.
A note from 88 Handbags.
We donate a percentage of every sale to a charity and that assists in educating women around the world.
We believe that educating women is the key to a better world."
With women educated even to a primary school level, child mortality rates come down, families become wealthier, and diseases are more under control. Each of these women has more of a choice over her fate and future. She can read about the world and not be dependent on a man to tell her what is and is not true.
The charity that we support is Care International http://www.careinternational.org.uk/fighting-poverty/empowering-women-and-girls/educating-girls/
88 Handbags is running a Valentine's special for you. 10% OFF your entire order using coupon code: OUF5L45V (valid from 2/1-2/14)
Now the giveaway!
The lucky winner will receive the Joanne Convertible Backpack! arv $100
Host for the giveaway is Joyful Gifts By Julie
A special thank you to my co-hosts for promoting the giveaway!
The handbag was given to Joyful Gifts By Julie in exchange for an honest review.
This giveaway is in no way endorsed, affiliated, or associated with Facebook, Twitter or any other Social Media Networking Site. This Giveaway is an international giveaway and entrants must be 18+ years of age to enter. This giveaway event will end at 11:59 PM (EST) 2/14/16.
Once a winner is selected via the Giveaway Tools process, the winner has 48 hours to respond or another winner will be chosen. No blog associated with this giveaway is responsible for the shipment of the product. 88 Handbags will be providing the prize to the winner. Any Questions or Concerns email me at Joyful Gifts By Julie @ Gmail .com. You may want to put this email address as safe, so it does not go to spam. Thank You so much for entering the giveaway! GOOD LUCK!
If you have any questions or are a brand/company and would like to work with Joyful Gifts By Julie, please contact Julie–> Joyful Gifts by Julie